Monday, February 05, 2007


new pictures!

just a few moments ago, we recieved an expected e-mail from our adoption coordinator with a very unexpected suprise tucked inside: two new pictures of trace!! they were taken january 31- incidentally, the day we got our ta. he looks so big!

25 days till depature!

Hi, Trace is taller, but his little face hasn't really changed.
He looks so sweet.
Good to know that you are finally going! Perhaps we'll never know the "whys" to your delay, but God does. Blessings to your family!!! (you have terrific neighbors in Gary and Jean!!! Next time we are up visiting folks in the South Bend area ( we lived there for 10 years ) I'll let you know so that we can finally meet in person!!!!
What a handsome young man he is! I know you must all be so thrilled. I can't wait to see him with you. And, by the way, I'm falling behind in responding to comments, but you're on the top of the list for babysitters. :o)
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